Monday, August 29, 2005

RCIA ..... excursion?

I would most like to share some thoughts on my trip with the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, which I am involved ib now for the third year running) yesterday. This was a trip organised for them. We choose a few places to go to show them what are some of the things Catholics are involved in here in Singapore. The first place we went to was this place called the "Gift of Love" home. It is situated at next to Marymount Convent and is run by the Missionaries of Charity. For a more recognisable figure, check out the photo. The sister is part of Mother Theresa's order to adminster to the poor, destitute etc. They are a simple order. They do not use washing machines, have a TV and so on. All the old folks they are taking care of are poor or left by their kids, abandoned, etc. They live on people's donations and most welcome volunteers to help them when they can. When we were there, there were some volunteers there. We attended mass there at about 10am, and you should here the choir. The choir was made up of Philipinos and of course volunteers too. They even did the Sister Act piece "I will follow you". Was most impressive (More on the mass later).

Anyway, it was a reminder for me to not take things for granted. And that there are people in Singapore who always need our help. I was there last year as well, and I think if you see the place for the first time, there is more impact. So, "count your blessings" as a friend's blog says.... and help those in need.


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