Valentines Day
14 February 2006 came and went. Very quiet day........
I guess Valentines Day did mean a lot to me when I was much younger. I remember during my JC days at CJC, it was quite a big thing. I would be giving out stalks of flowers and would get stalks in return. Letters, cards and such were the norm. These were amongst good friends I made whilst in JC, nothing romantic in case many of you wonder. Of course there would be one or two which were "special."
But as time went on and I became more sensible, VD seemed to me quite senseless. For many years now, I never celebrated Valentines Day on the day itself. It just was dumb spending a bomb on flowers, presents and the dinner. On any other day, everything was cheaper..... and so for a couple of years when I was attached, I used to celebrate VD the day before or after. No point I would say. This year, Shirl and I decided to not even buy anything for each other and not even celebrate VD. What we did was to have a simple "Italian" dinner on the 13th. We felt that maybe we should just save the money for Nat. But I did get her a nice card telling her I love her and all...... but that was all. It did feel a little funny not getting anything, but my my, can you see what marketing can achieve? To make you feel bad not buying anything for your partner.... isn't that amazing!
I do know of some people who similarly do not celebrate VD on the day itself, but their reason is that "Everyday is Valentines Day..." Now to me that is rather idealistic or close to absurd. Can you feel romantic every single day you are together with your partner? Doesn't he/she get on your nerves sometimes? Anybody who is married/engaged/going steady etc. can tell you that after the first six months to a year of being together (honeymoon period), that "Everyday is NOT Valentines Day."
Anyway, these are just what I offence to anyone.
that's sweet and thoughtful. no point wasting money. my VDay was spent with you in church..for the earlier part lah. after that i met dan for dinner at the Bt Timah food centre. normal hawker food. we did get presents - but it's mostly usable/edible/practical stuff, nothing fancy nor expensive.
(u can see the precise details on my mushy new website.)
anyway, saving for nat is more important than anything...n yeah, we all have our bad days...but sticking it through together is what matters. :) Group hug time!
Zoe, at 3:06 PM
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